Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Good Times

When I was in high school, I was in the International Baccalaureate program. One of the sure-fire ways to tell is that I can actually spell baccalaureate. For those who don't know, and are too lazy to actually click the link, IB is kind of like Advanced Placement (AP) on steroids. For one, instead of just being a national thing, IB is international; your papers, exams, and major projects are sent around the world for grading. For example, my IB exam in Anthropology was graded in Argentina. It is also twice the work. Example again: for the IB diploma, the student is required to write an Extended Essay which is the high school equivilant of a thesis. We were to work on this for two years, we had advisors for our paper, we had to work and rework every last bit. My original topic was to be "The socialization and culturalization of Inupiat Youth" or something like that. My paper's actual title (as I changed topics two weeks before the final paper was due) was "A Comprehensive Definition of Terrorism" in which I took other people's definitions of terrorism and tore them apart, explaining exactly why they didn't work and how it is next to impossible to actually define. I then proceeded to compile my own definition.
Anyway, all of this rambling is so that I have a reason to link to the You Know You're in IB page written by fellow WHS IB alum Sam Alrich (c/o 2003). My particular favorites are:

"I.B. therefore I B.S."
"You make a date to do homework together and you actually do."
"The 'due' date becomes the 'do' date."
"You find that you spend more time sleeping in class than at home."
"You know you have parents because you have seen their picture."

Enjoy. By the way, TOK is Theory of Knowledge, a philosophy type class we all were mandated the privilege to attend.

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