Well, I'm in the middle of getting things ready for the fall semester. There is shopping to be done and a schedule or two to be evaluated, moving preparations as well as an attempt to transfer to the Target up in Christiansburg so that I can keep the income through the school year. I remember summers in grade school seemed to get shorter each year. I would watch the roads for the bus drivers learning their new routes as the tell-tale sign that school was indeed closing in upon us once more. (Not to deny that I did, and do still, love school.) Now I am preparing for school before August has even peeked over the horizon.
Curse you mature responsibility!
I've gone from debating the superiority of green and blue freezer-pops to questioning whether to add another class this fall (bringing my credit-load to 17) so that I can add another non-required class this spring. I think I shall actually. The class in question is an "Intro to Shakespeare" course although Shakespeare and I have already met and are, in truth, quite intimate friends. It will, however, fulfill a creativity requirement and give me an excuse to indulge once again in King Lear...not that I've ever needed an excuse before.
Dear me, I had meant this to be about peaches. If you ever find yourself in the Blue Ridge area of Virginia, especially during peach, apple, or any other fruitful season, I highly suggest an excursion to the Saunders Brothers Orchard no matter how far a side-trip it may be. We took a day trip up there today to load up on peaches. Absolutely gorgeous. We've managed to come home with 4 pecks (48 lbs) worth as well as an assortment of jams, jellies and other delights. My parents stumbled across the orchard last fall and we've been hooked on their Peach Salsa, Apple-Raisin Butter and FROG Jam (comprising Figs, Raspberries, Oranges, and Grapes). I've added to my collection of tasty treats Mayhaw Jelly, Sweet Potato and Honey Butter, Corncob Jelly, and Blackberry Cider. I purchased with the plan of saving them and taking everything up to school with me in a couple of weeks but I don't know if I can hold out all that long.