Friday, July 07, 2006


I know, it's been a good three months since I've been around, and I certainly have a good bit to catch up on:

School: Well, I'm done. I graduated in May and now have a Bachelors of Science in Wildlife Science. It feels great to be done with undergrad. I am not sure whether God will call me to grad school or not, but that doesn't need to be decided just yet.

EDGE Corps: I think the last time I updated, I mentioned that I had accepted the slot on EDGE. Well, as of July 1, 2006, I am officially on staff with the Navigators (of which EDGE Corps is a ministry). I've spent the last two weeks at Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs at my training for the coming year. Now I get to do all my fundraising.

It's weird to grasp the idea that I am a missionary. And it's totally, like, my for true job and everything. All through training, the other EDGErs and I kept giving each other the "You mean we get paid to do this?" look. Granted, all the money we are paid is what we've raised for the year, but it's still incredible that our focus for the next year (or two) is building relationships and investing in college students.

As for me, I'm headed to the University of Vermont with three other people. We've been able to meet and spend time with our campus staff; it already feels like we are family. It never ceases to amaze me how the blood of Christ unites us all.

We'll be living in Burlington, VT, and whenever I share this with people I get one of two reactions: "Wow, it's beautiful there, you'll love it." Or "Wow, it's really liberal up there, but the area is beautiful, you'll love it." We'll see how things go.