Tuesday, September 28, 2004

In a manner of speaking.

I had this book when I was little called God I've gotta Talk to You, it came to mind the other day when I was praying. I don't really remember what the book was about--I think it was a collection of poems and prayers--but the title itself got me to thinking.

First, how great is it to have such a relationship with someone that you don't just want to talk to them, you need to. It's not I want to Talk to You or I'd Like to Talk to You, it's I've Gotta in that there is an intense longing/need/desire. And then, to know that we are able to come before God with our desires, with our fears, with our praise, with anything...that itself is such a gift.

It also got me to thinking of how we express ourselves in prayer. I can ramble on about a lot of things (most of which I know little to nothing about) and I don't really put that much thought into how I am saying what I am saying. When it comes to expressing myself fully and deeply, then eloquence matters to me. It takes me longer to put thoughts together because I want to use just the right word/phrase to capture my full emotion and intent--so sometimes vocalizing my prayer may take a little longer. (On another note, maybe that has something to do with why I don't post very much...it just takes me so long to get my thoughts out to my satisfaction.)

Then I have a couple of friends who are very well-spoken and have (and use) a very impressive vocabulary but hearing them pray is very different from hearing them speak. When they pray their manner of expression is much more simple...

Well, I thought it was interesting at any rate.

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