Saturday, March 27, 2004


So I had this whole post written on how much I love letter writing, how it's become a dying art, how it's such an intimate form of communication and how we should preserve the practice...and then tried to mail my application. While I still prefer letter writing to most other forms of communication (save face-to-face dialogue), I can definitely see how we (and, sadly, I am included) turn from manual to electronic correspondence in an attempt to simplify our daily lives.

I went to the mail room in my dorm, but the lady that was working was just a substitute and really didn't know much about sending anything. So I went to the Post Office downtown today, only to find that the window in the downtown branch is closed on Saturdays. I wound up having to get a manila envelope from the bookstore on campus. Now I would try to send it myself, but I have no idea what the postage is supposed to be on this thing. I tried looking it up on the USPS website, but the only price lists I found were for Priority and Express (plus, I don't know how much this weighs, so I can't really calculate).

Right. Fun stuff. No wonder people revert to click-and-send so much.

I still love good old-fashioned letters, nothing is going to change that. I still use an inkwell and quill for crying out loud. Which reminds me, I have some catching up to do...

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